Brother To Brother
Dear Brother,
This afternoon I sent by Hope Express a small box containing my books and papers, with a few other small articles, and a package containing $160, which I had no use for here, and could not deposit. All were sent under your address. I enclose express receipts for packages sent. Please take charge of them and any costs that you incur you can use from the money sent if needed. There is a great skedaddaling of citizens and strangers, and the city is getting quite dull in consequence. Today three or four companies of three months men arrived for the first call of duty here. Pennsylvania now is not Pennsylvania of old. The lines of war are drawing closer. I distinctly saw the lights from the burning bridge at Columbia in last night's sky through my chamber window. I have learned that the machine shops and the houses directly opposite Harrisburg, across the river, have been drilled full of holes and occupied by riflemen. It is believed the rebels will never take the fortification here. Our company will be mustered in this evening by the Governor for special duty. We will be stationed in the rifle pits of Harris Park to defend the ferry there. The five companies, each numbering one hundred men, are under the orders of General Couch for special duty. Rebel prisoners and deserters are being brought into Harrisburg every day from different points. Tell those copperheads that if the City of Harrisburg is burnt down, it will be because the citizens showed fight and the stragglers ran away and didn't assist.
Yours affectionately,
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